Differences with other systems
Against the Romanian forest functional mapping system, it takes into consideration several complex aspects linked to the biodiversity conservation in general (including the conservation outside designated protected areas)
In comparison with the already existing systems, this concept takes into consideration the human society with its needs and traditions, considering the human presence as part of the ecosystem. Nowadays, biodiversity means more than the number of species, as it includes the human presence as well as the cultural and religious values of the local communities. (T. Stancioiu 2007).
The identification of such forests and their designation as high conservation value forests is obtained through a participative process. The assessment and designation are obligatorily performed with the participation of experts from various fields (botanists, zoologists, forestry experts, foresters, sociologists etc.) therefore with the consultation of the local communities and of other stakeholders directly involved.
Through voluntary commitment, the proposed methodology provides rapidity, flexibility and efficiency in the HCV conservation and enhancement.
Responsabil: ing. Vlad Radu Grigore
Tel: + 40 722 464 558
E-mail: vrgpepe@yahoo.com