Controlled wood

FSC is the only global system for forest management certification that controls the non-certified wood contained in FSC labelled products.

There is the possibility that a FSC certified product include controlled wood as a component in the event there is no intention or it is not possible to have a certification as "Pure FSC". In such cases, the company uses for assessment FSC-STD-004-005 "Standard for assessment made by the company of FSC controlled wood ".

This standard was issued to allow for companies to be FSC certified and avoid the following situations:

  • 1. Trade with illegally logged wood;
  • 2. Trade with wood the logging of which had led to the violation of civil and traditional rights;
  • 3. Trade with wood logged from plantations constituted on the area of former forests;
  • 4. Trade with wood sourced in forests in which genetically modified trees were planted;

  • For further information on the risk degree of different areas of the world with regard to controlled wood, visit the site of the FSC Controlled Wood Resources Centre.



    Marius Turtica
    tel: +40 740 300 616

    Certificate FSC Romania
