Chain of custody certification
The certification of the forest management is followed by the so called "chain of custody certification" aimed at developing mechanism to trace the wood or non-wood products sourced in the certified forest, from the source to the consumer (the end buyer). The intention is to be able to identify and document the entire route of the wood, from stubs, through transportation, to primary and secondary processing, etc. in order to be able to demonstrate, any moment, what the source is.
The forest management certificate usually includes the chain of custody certificate as well, through which the forest manager takes upon himself to ensure the identification of the certified wood until it leaves the forest (which is important mainly in the case of dispersed forest areas, where the certified forest may intermingle with non-certified forests).
Chain of custody certification is a requirement for companies which log, process or commercialise certified wood and intend to label their products with the name or FSC label.
The assessment is made in relation with FSC-STD-40-004 (V2) " Chain of custody FSC Standard for companies that proocess FSC wood ".